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Keep it cool this Holiday season: 10 strategies to maintain your sanity

The excitement is palpable. We are all awaiting the Holidays with great anticipation and very much look forward to spending time with family, friends, sharing, shopping, eating, having lots of fun.

If only accomplishing all those things without major stress were that simple! The Holiday season is notorious for pushing our buttons in such a way that no other time of the year can. So many expectations to meet.... so much energy to invest... so little time! Even though life goes on as usual, the season entails social gatherings, shopping trips, house-decorating, baking, cooking, eating, drinking.... to an extent that we dont get to do any other time of the year. The extra hustle and bustle can take a toll our our mood, energy, stress levels, some times our waist size... not to mention our wallets ;)

But don't despair! There are ways that your Holidays can be spent in a relatively calm way. It does take a little bit of planning, but ensuring enough "me" time to nourish your body and soul, and sticking to a few key strategies will help you "keep your cool" this Holiday season.

So, without further ado, here are my top 10 Holiday stress-reducing tips:

1. BE KIND TO YOURSELF. As I mentioned earlier, the expectations of the season, especially the ones we impose on ourselves can sometimes seem unatainable. You may be dreaming of the perfect color palette to decorate your house, or looking for that perfect gift for that special someone, but sometimes when expectations are not realistic, stress ensues. Write down a list of the things you THINK you need to acomplish, and rate them by importance level. Only do what is essential, ask your loved ones what they would like to receive for presents, and do not hesitate to "cut corners" while preparing your big feasts, if it helps reduce your stress levels, why not? Same goes for "overbooking" yourself this Holiday season. If the multiple gatherings will represent emotional strain, do not hesitate to be "choosy". After all, the year has 11 more months!

2. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Closely related to #1, you may not be in the best position to manage the multiple demands if your reserve tank is half-full. A widely used analogy to illustrate this is the emergency situation of an airplane: you should always put the oxygen mask on yourself before helping others. Same concept applies here. Plan some self-care time throughout the December madness, perhaps catch up with your favourite reading, visit a spa, or simply take some time to meditate.

3. TRY TO KEEP UP WITH YOUR WORKOUT ROUTINE. Yes, we are busy. I get it. Keep in mind though that exercise is absolutely essential to our emotional and physical health. So while the Holidays may not be the best of times to initiate a new exercise program, keeping physically active will help you remain as zen as the season allows. Park as far away from your favourite shop as possible to chrunch in more steps, take one or two laps around the shopping mall before actually shopping, or climb the stairs rather than taking the elevator. Movement means health.

5. GET A GOOD NIGHT SLEEP. While some of our daily routines may go out the window among the Holiday frenzy, good quality sleep should not, cannot be compromised. Yes, some days we will be staying up later than usual, and our inclination may be to "sleep in" the next day. Make sure though that the later wake up times do not last too long... we are creatures of habit, and some discrepancies between our usual wake up times and how late we allow ourselves to sleep in can have an impact on our cardiovascular health . To keep your sleep uninterrupted during the holidays, make sure you limit your heavy meals to at least 3 hours prior to going to bed, limit alcohol and caffeine to the extent it is possible - if you are sensitive to the effects of caffeine, do not consume later than 3 pm-, make your bedroom a sleeping - and love-making- sanctuary - no TV, no iPad, no iPhone, no electronics of any kind- and perhaps pick up a meditation or relaxation routine. Soothing music can also help a great deal!

6. PLAN A TECHNOLOGY DETOX. In my case, spending the Holidays away from my family, using technology as a way to engage with the ones I love but are physically far from me is essential. You know technology use has gotten out of hand when your Facebook friends are getting more words out of you than the people beside you ;) Technology has become so ubiquitous that we cannot imagine our lives without it. If you are finding that being away from your phone causes a bit of anxiety, take an opportunity this end of the year to take a break. Make a plan to cut down your - insert favourite online activity here: Facebook, Pinterest, online "window" shopping- in little chunks of time, and replace that activity with something fun real-time activity with another fellow human being.

7. EAT CLEAN. Easier said than done, especially with all the treats floating around us non-stop, right? With a little bit of planning you will find that maintaining a healthful way of eating, even though the gravy and creamy mash potatoes abound, is possible. Nourish your body with the greatest amount of vegetables and fruit you can on a regular basis, and better yet volunteer to cook with your favourite seasonal veggies and superfoods for your friends and family. If attending a Holiday feast, eat something healthy before the party so your hunger doesnt dictate your food choices later on, drink a good 1/2 of water before you eat so that you are less tempted to overindulge, eat slowy and enjoy every bite, and in the case of a party with a buffet table, stand as far away from it as possible - you'll be less likely to pile up your plate again. Be also mindful of the amount of calories you are taking in through your drinks; after all, there is sugar in your alcohol.

8. ... BUT IF YOU DONT GET TO EAT "CLEAN" 100% OF THE TIME, NO BIGGIE. This might seem to go against everything someone who promotes healthy eating for a living should stand for, but hear me out: sitting at the dinner table with family and friends is more than a nutrient-intake exercise; sharing a meal is joy, love, fun, having a good laugh with the people we care for. So if you end up having an extra slice of pie, not a problem. You can try again the next day. Self-judgement and self-criticism are more detrimental to our health than those 3 Christmas cookies too many.

9. BE FLEXIBLE. When there are many players involved, something or someone is bound to not follow the protocol you expected. Keep an open mind, accept a plan B, or C, and just roll with it. Sticking to our guns and our ways of doing things can bring more headaches than necessary. Believe me, I shoudl know ;)

10. and if all else fails REMEMBER TO BREATH. You will find that during moments of stress and anxiety, our respiration becomes shallow and our chest tightens. Taking in some nice deep breaths, inhaling for 4 seconds, holding for 7, exhaling for 8 will help you get rid of the negative vibe and will bring you to a calmer space. Focusing on our breath also remind us of the impermanent nature of the situation. All things in life will come to an end, eventually. Even the stressful Holiday season


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